It will be the third edition of the workshop, after the first edition that was held in Budapest in 2022 and the second one that took place in Miami last year. The numbers achieved were the following ones: 6 accepted papers out of 12 submitted ones in 2022 and an increase in the submissions last year, reaching up to 16 submissions with 8 papers accepted. The approximate attendance was about 20-25 people last year. We expect to attract a higher number of submissions and attendees, pushing for high quality papers from all over the world. Fig. 1 shows the set of countries that participated in the previous edition of IPSN workshop.
In any case, researchers and practitioners are encouraged to participate with high quality papers to identify open issues in the field of AI/ML applied to softwarized networks:
- discuss the limits and/or advantages of existing solutions.
- propose original and innovative techniques for network-level and service management over softwarized network environments.
We expect participation from researchers to practitioners belonging at least to the following research communities: network and service operations and management, programmable networks, adaptive and autonomic systems, AI/Machine Learning, cloud-to-edge continuum, IIoT systems, Industry 4.0, etc. We also expect to attract the attention of stakeholders involved in the design and the implementation of next generation networks.
The involvement of these communities is guaranteed by the skills and the relationships of organizers and PC members, and because of the employment of specific interest groups and mailing lists.